
Department of Medicine and Surgery

What do we do |
Outdoor aerobiological monitoring of pollen and fungal spores |
Indoor aerobiological monitoring |
Controlled contamination healthcare environments: Classification, microbiological sampling of air (active and passive) and surfaces, particulate sampling of air |
Conservation environments of cultural heritage: Microbiological sampling of air (active and passive) of surfaces, particulate sampling of air |
Living and working environments: Microbiological sampling of air (active and passive) of surfaces, particulate sampling of air |
Microclimate monitoring
Main lines of research |
Standardization of biological sampling methods of air and surfaces (bacteria, fungi and viruses)
Turbulent flow or unidirectional flow ventilation systems and air contamination in the operating room
Pollen concentrations and allergenic potency
Valutazione delle variazioni delle stagionalità pollinica come indicatore di cambiamenti climatici
Analysis of the spread of allergenic pollen from non-native weeds
Instruments |
Main air sampling instruments supplied:
▪ Hirst volumetric samplers (pollen and fungal spores) |
VPPS2000 Lanzoni, outdoor (7 days) |
VPPS100 Lanzoni, indoor (1 day) |
Pollen trap Burkard, outdoor (7 days) |
Pollen trap Burkard, indoor (7 days) |
▪ Filtration samplers


Chemvol (two stages) with Digitek high volume pump |
Airflow 300 T AMS Analitica |
Aircheck 2000 SKC, personal sampler
▪ Cyclonic sampler |
C90M Cans |
▪ Wet wall air sampler
SASS 2300 |
▪ Contaparticellare |
754 Climet |
Lasair III 5100 Particle Measuring Systems |
▪ Microbiological samplers |
Lanzoni hree-stage Andersen sampler |
▪ Indoor microclimate physical parameter meters |
Air Flow Meter DBM 620 |
Multifunctional probes |